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Every day somewhere in the world TSHTF but the problem is it never reaches the point of TEOTWAWKI. The alternative is way worse; civil unrest, a breakdown of services, shortages of main staples but government is still in place. The worst thing is that you are between a rock and a hard place. Anyone who has served or worked in theater anywhere around the world has had a taste of it. Even when the worst case scenario is at hand the government is still trying to enforce and impose itself upon its citizenry, for better or worse. Nothing in life is simple. So goes the problem of chaos and disorder in a first or second world country. Problems are localized, they are not nationwide (even when they are they are viewed in a compartmentalized way). This is the most complicated scenario for a survival minded person or group. A band of thugs attacks you for your supplies, you shoot them. Dead bodies tend to get the attention of even an overtaxed law enforcement group. Now you end up in jail until they sort things out. Maybe they charge you with murder. Your family, already threatened by the shortages, lack of services and staples, now is without their point person; leader. You are in bigger trouble than the disaster that you started with.

Every prepper and survivalist should know and understand this word – paradox; a paradox is a situation that appears to contradict itself but in fact is quite possible. If you really want to consider yourself prepared to protect your family, yourself and possibly your close circle then heed this warning and educate yourself as much as possible in this complex paradox of threats. Ask yourself this; if there was no power, no natural gas, no water, the sewer system backed up, no food in the grocery stores and the authorities were so overwhelmed that they can’t even begin to take care of the big things. It won’t take long until people begin to loot; roam the streets ransacking homes for food, water and other staples. Here is the paradox, now they come to take your food, your water, your home, etc. You have spent years preparing for TEOTWAWKI. Your preparations were based on a complete breakdown of society; “every man for himself”. But, BUT!!! That is not what you are presented with. Even in Syria and Lebanon at the height of conflict, people “defended themselves” under duress when no one came to help, but after order was restored, those who fought to protect themselves and loved ones were rounded up and jailed for “over reacting” or using “excessive force”. These are charges that are wielded at our police and military everyday when faced with extreme situations, which are forced to fight for their lives, fight to protect others and then after the dust settles have some government officials or lawyers in the calm comfort of their homes take weeks to second guess a decision they are forced to make in 15 seconds. They end up in jail!!! The alternative is that they fear such reprisal so they hesitate and are either killed or injured. A paradox, this is our world.

Mexico is a very close and unfortunate example of this paradox. The Drug Cartels wreak havoc, ignore the government’s authority, kill, bomb, shoot and more with basic impunity. Meanwhile, the Police write traffic tickets, fine people for public drunkenness and enforce basic laws. I have had more than one discussion with Mexican Nationals who tell me horror stories of having to hack their way out of gangs of Cartel thugs with machete to escape an unknown fate and then having to go on the run to escape the police pursuing them for it. Where is the line? How do you know what to do and what not to? The US Military and Police Departments grapple with these questions everyday and are vilified for their decisions to defend not fade against such attacks. We hold funerals for the fallen Military and Police, while people picket outside the cemetery, and the killers are heralded as victims or heroes! TEOTWAWKI would be easy, kill or be killed, good vs. evil. As I have said in thousands of interrogational interviews, there is no black and white (bad Bart in the Black Hat, Red Ryder in the White Hat) there is only a thin line of each with a whole lot of grey in between. That grey area can cost you your freedom, maybe even your life.

If you have a friend who is a lawyer or better yet a district attorney or prosecutor, take them to dinner, ask them to define what you can or cannot do in situations such as I have described above. Ask him how many days you would spend in jail for a “justifiable homicide” / “righteous shooting”.

Let’s take this one step further; in my town there have been a rash of box cutter/knife point robberies some in broad daylight in a small town of 10K. Your are approached by an unknown person, feigning car troubles, badgering you for assistance, you courteously offer to call for help and attempt to leave. He follows and as you go to enter your vehicle he holds a knife to your throat. He takes your purse and threats bodily harm. So far they have not cut anyone, but it is just a matter of time. This is a serious crime, armed robbery. But, let’s play this out for a moment. I have been in these situations before, no problem, he holds the knife on me, I take his life, two moves, and he lies bleeding on the ground or with a crushed windpipe. I call the Police, they come, they “take me into custody”, and they take him to the hospital. His girlfriend (accomplice) tells the police that I attacked him. Now I have problems. My life is over even though I did nothing wrong. Are there alternatives? What are they? What are your legal rights? How can you defend yourself? How can you defend against being punished for protecting yourself?

You must educate yourself; you must plan, practice your reactions and your plot your course. All of the time and money that you spend on prepping and stockpiling will be nullified; negated. Question, learn, and plan, continuously expand your sphere of knowledge and circle of allies. Always remember there is no catastrophe when you are prepared. There are no easy answers, but your survival depends upon having the correct educated actions.

One final point: The paradox outlined above and its associated threats to you and those you care about is why hunkering down is not a good scenario. In fact it is a no win scenario. I know that the idea of marauders ransacking your home is infuriating. But your survival and that of your family and close circle far exceeds that of any property that you own.  You have insurance. You need to relocate away from the trouble until things return to normal. Watch for Part Two of this article “Run Away to Fight Another Day”.

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