Terror an Overview

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Terror an Overview

For years on the show I have been warning about these major hotspots that have gone without attention. Thanks in large part to the USA being so expansive we are able to survive with a population that is largely ignorant of its surroundings. These threats are real, serious and have been in our back yard for years. The fact that September 11, 2001 occurred should not be a shock but a call to arms. We must arm ourselves with knowledge of our foes, strengthen ourselves with unity and tighten our borders and general security. Below is a list of the points of interest that I have been called crazy and alarmist about for years. They are serious.

  1. Peru & Ecuador
  • Home to Islamic fundamentalists and also Communist rebels connected with Cuba. A big supplier of oil to the USA. Recent incidents include oil workers (including 2 US citizens) being held hostage by rebels and the bombing of government buildings. Lori Berenson, a US citizen from NYC, NY has been tried, retried and twice convicted of consorting with terrorist members on the TUPAC Amaru Revolutionary Movement. (note Tupac Amaru, son of Manco Capac an Inca in the 1500’s, after his father’s death with his half-brother as Inca swore to “do as much harm to Christians as possible” terrorized the occupying force of Spain in Peru.) Read more about Tupac Amaru Click here. Berenson has been detained by Peruvian security forces since November 30, 1995. At the time, she was living with members of the Movement -- an armed Peruvian organization -- in a Lima suburb. bomb making materials and plans for bombing a government building were present. She claims that she was a freelance journalist working for a leftist publications and had no idea.
  • Panama Canal and the Chinese / COSCO connection
    • I have been railing about this threat since President Carter set out to give away the canal. Bill Clinton carried out the dream of arguably one of the worst Presidents in our history. Under Bill Clinton’s watch, he “returned” the canal to Panama. Immediately after which Panama awarded the contract to operate and secure both ends of the canal to COSCO. You’ve seen those land/sea containers, they are everywhere. Learn why that is a problem. (Click here)
  • The Philippines
    • The Philippines are home to over 34 radical Islamic terror groups who are bent on over throwing the Philippine government. The Philippine government has been acquiescing to their demands. It is a dangerous game. Making deals with the Devil. The historical record proves the abject failure of such an approach.

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