
Classical Liberalism vs. Social Liberalism

Classical liberalism was the dominating political philosophy of the United States of America’s Founding Fathers. The Articles of Confederation, the Federalist, Anti-Federalist papers, the US Constitution, and most of the other foundational documents formed and Read More


The Life Cycle of a Republic

The survival of the West and the USA depends on a return to respect for antiquity, history, the lessons that it teaches, and a respect for deferred pleasure in turn for community, innovation, success, and Read More


Save Western Civilization & Culture

 (This article updated from an original article on radio show site December 1996) Looking around the Western Nations we see the clear evidence of the following cycle: Strong men create good times, Good times Read More


Dunbar’s Number

What is Dunbar’s Number and why do we care? Dunbar’s Number is validated every time that we observe crime rates and corruption in large urban area. Cities cram many people into very dense units. Exponential Read More